FuGE | Generation of XML Schema (M3 Version)

Rules for generating the XML Schema (M3 Version)

The following rules govern how the XML Schema is generated for FuGE milestone 3. The same rules apply to extensions developed on top of FuGE using the M3 cartridge.

The way in which classes and associations are modelled affects the generation of the XML Schema. The following rules apply:
  1. Classes modelled with the XmlSchemaType stereotype are converted to an XML Element (note the Entity stereotype is also required for generation of platform specific models).
  2. XML instance: <Investigation identifier="exp01:Invest01" name = "N-limit_yeastResponse">

  3. Attributes on Classes are converted to XML attributes on the parent Element
  4. XML instance:

    <BibliographicReference identifier="exp01:bibRef001" authors="Pizarro et al" title="FuGE in plain English" year="2006"/>

  5. If a containment association is used, the associated XML Element will appear below the associating Element in the XML tree, example:

    XML instance:

    <Investigation identifier="exp01:Invest001">
        <InvestigationComponent identifier="exp01:InvComp01" name = "LC-MS proteome study"/>           

    The following additional rule applies:

  6. If no containment or an aggregation is used on an association, the associating Element has an attribute that specifies the primary key of the associated Element. This means that the Element must appear elsewhere (i.e. be contained by another element) somewhere else in the XML tree, usually referenced from a Collection class at the root of the document. The following additional rules apply:

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