OPTIONAL: If you wish to make changes to the FuGE UML prior to generating the code, the UML may be found in trunk/fuge-hibernate-mda/src/main/uml/FuGE-v1-profile.mdzip. Any changes you make in the UML must be converted from this MagicDraw proprietary file type to a standard UML2 file type. Within MagicDraw, you will need to choose File -> Export -> "EMF UML2 (v1.x) XMI" and save the resulting files to the same directory that the mdzip resides in. Do not commit these exported files back to Subversion: the master version of the file is the mdzip.
Change into the top-level trunk/ directory. Generate all of the automatically-generated AndroMDA sources:
mvn install
You should see a "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" message at the end of it. You must be connected to the internet for this step to work, as there will be many jars that need to be downloaded.
You now have all auto-generated code.
This is the same as the Default profile, except you have to explicitly state that you want to compile using the Validation profile. Further, during the initial install, you don't want the unit tests to be run, as you want all jars to be made first.
mvn -Denv=val -DskipTests install
The Validation profile has now been used to make all FuGE Hibernate STK jars.