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This document contains the changes to the reference FuGE v1 UML Object model required to properly generate the Hibernate code using the AndroMDA Hibernate+Spring cartridge. It is based extensively on Leandro Hermida's similar document for the FuGE EJB3 STK, so that the two UML documents will be similar. Deviations from his modifications are noted.
Association | Tagged Value | Location | Reason |
Equipment | PROTOCOL_EQUIPMENT | between GenericEquipment and GenericProtocol | clashes with Equipment class |
Software | PROTOCOL_SOFTWARE | between GenericSoftware and GenericProtocol | clashes with Software class |
Provider | PARAMETERIZABLE_PROVIDER | between Parameterizable and ContactRole | clashes with Provider class |
Class | Tagged Value | Reason |
FuGE | F_U_G_E | instead of FU_G_E |
Software2Equipment (between GenericSoftware and GenericEquipment) | SOFTWARE2EQUIPMENT | instead of SOFTWARE2_EQUIPMENT |
Database | EXTERNAL_DATABASE | DATABASE is SQL reserved word |
Association | Tagged Value | Location |
Actions | PROTOCOL_ACTION | between GenericProtocol and Action |
ActionApplications | PROTO_APPL_ACTION_APPL | between ProtocolApplication and ActionApplication |
Affiliations | AFFILIATION | between Person and Organization |
AllBibliographicReferences | REF_COLLECT_BIBLIO_REFERENCE | ReferenceableCollection and BibliographicReference |
AllContacts | AUDIT_COLLECT_CONTACT | between AuditCollection and Contact |
AllData | DATA_COLLECT_DATA | between DataCollection and Data |
AllDatabases | REF_COLLECT_EXT_DATABASE | between ReferenceableCollection and Database |
AllDataPartitions | DATA_COLLECT_DATA_PARTITION | between DataCollection and DataPartition |
AllDimensions | DATA_COLLECT_DIMENSION | between DataCollection and Dimension |
AllEquipment | PROTO_COLLECT_EQUIPMENT | between ProtocolCollection and Equipment |
AllProtocolApplications | INVEST_COMPONENT_PROTO_APPL | between InvestigationComponent and ProtocolApplication |
AllSequenceAnnotations | CONCEP_MOL_COLLECT_SEQ_ANNOT | between ConceptualMoleculeCollection and SequenceAnnotationSet |
AllSoftware | PROTO_COLLECT_SOFTWARE | between ProtocolCollection and Software |
Annotations | DESCRIBABLE_ANNOTATION | between Describable and OntologyTerm |
BibliographicReferences | IDENT_BIBLIO_REFERENCE | Identifiable and BibliographicReference |
Characteristics | MATERIAL_CHARACTERISTIC | between Material and OntologyTerm |
Components | MATERIAL_COMPONENT | between GenericMaterial and GenericMaterial |
ComponentDesignTypes | COMPONENT_DESIGN_TYPE | between InvestigationComponent and OntologyTerm |
ConceptualMolecules | CONCEP_MOL_COLLECT_CONCEP_MOL | betweeen ConceptualMoleculeCollection and ConceptualMolecule |
Contacts | MATERIAL_CONTACT | between Material and ContactRole |
DatabaseReferences | IDENT_DB_REFERENCE | between Identifiable and DatabaseReference |
DataPartitions | FACTOR_VALUE_DATA_PARTITION | between FactorValue and DataPartition |
Descriptions | DESCRIBABLE_DESCRIPTION | between Describable and Description |
Dimensions | DATA_DIMENSION | between Data and Dimension |
DimensionElements | DIMENSION_DIMENSION_ELEMENT | between Dimension and DimensionElement |
EquipmentApplications | PROTO_APPL_EQUIP_APPL | between ProtocolApplication and EquipmentApplication |
EquipmentParts | EQUIPMENT_PART | between GenericEquipment and GenericEquipment |
Factors | INVEST_COMPONENT_FACTOR | between InvestigationComponent and Factor |
FactorCollection | INVEST_COLLECT_FACTOR | between InvestigationCollection and Factor |
FactorValues | FACTOR_FACTOR_VALUE | between Factor and FactorValue |
HigherLevelAnalyses | DATA_COLLECT_HIGHER_LEV_ANAL | between DataCollection and HigherLevelAnalysis |
InputCompleteMaterials | INPUT_COMPLETE_MATERIAL | between GenericProtocolApplication and Material |
InputMaterials | INPUT_MATERIAL | between GenericProtocolApplication and GenericMaterialMeasurement |
InputPartitions | INPUT_PARTITION | between PartitionPair and DataPartition |
InputTypes | INPUT_TYPE | between Protocol and OntologyTerm |
Investigations | INVEST_COLLECT_INVESTIGATION | between InvestigationCollection and Investigation |
InvestigationComponents | INVEST_INVEST_COMPONENT | between Investigation and InvestigationComponent |
InvestigationTypes | INVESTIGATION_TYPE | between Investigation and OntologyTerm |
Materials | MATERIAL_COLLECT_MATERIAL | between MaterialCollection and Material |
Members | SECURITY_GROUP_MEMBER | between SecurityGroup and Contact |
OntologySources | ONTOLOGY_COLLECT_SOURCE | between OntologyCollection and OntologySource |
OntologyTerms | ONTOLOGY_COLLECT_TERM | between OntologyCollection and OntologyTerm |
OutputMaterials | OUTPUT_MATERIAL | between GenericProtocolApplication and Material |
OutputPartitions | OUTPUT_PARTITION | between PartitionPair and DataPartition |
OutputTypes | OUTPUT_TYPE | between Protocol and OntologyTerm |
Owners | SECURITY_OWNER | between Security and Contact |
Parameters | EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER | between GenericEquipment and GenericParameter |
Parameters | SOFTWARE_PARAMETER | between GenericSoftware and GenericParameter |
Parameters | PROTOCOL_PARAMETER | between GenericProtocol and GenericParameter |
Parameters | ACTION_PARAMETER | between GenericAction and GenericParameter |
ParameterPairs | ACTION_PARAMETER_PAIR | between GenericAction and ParameterPair |
ParameterValues | PARAM_APPL_PARAM_VALUE | between ParameterizableApplication and ParameterValue |
PartitionPairs | PROTO_APPL_PARTITION_PAIR | between ProtocolApplication and PartitionPair |
Performers | PROTO_APPL_PERFORMER | between ProtocolApplication and ContactRole |
Properties | ONTOLOGY_INDIVIDUAL_PROPERTY | between OntologyIndividual and OntologyProperty |
PropertySets | DESCRIBABLE_PROPERTY_SET | between Describable and NameValueType |
Protocols | PROTO_COLLECT_PROTOCOL | between ProtocolCollection and Protocol |
ProtocolApplications | PROTO_COLLECT_PROTO_APPL | between ProtocolCollection and ProtocolApplication |
Providers | INVESTIGATION_PROVIDER | between Investigation and ContactRole |
QualityControlStatistics | QUALITY_CONTROL_STATISTIC | between Material and OntologyTerm |
RangeDescriptors | RANGE_DESCRIPTOR | between Range and OntologyTerm |
SecurityGroups | AUDIT_COLLECT_SECURITY_GROUP | between AuditCollection and SecurityGroup |
SecurityRights | SECURITY_RIGHT | between Security and SecurityAccess |
SoftwareApplications | PROTO_APPL_SOFTWARE_APPL | between ProtocolApplication and SoftwareApplication |
SourceMaterials | SOURCE_MATERIAL | between Investigation and Material |
SummaryResults | SUMMARY_RESULT | between Investigation and HigherLevelAnalysis |
Types | PARAMETERIZABLE_TYPE | between Parameterizable and OntologyTerm |
Types | SEQUENCE_ANNOTATION_SET_TYPE | between SequenceAnnotationSet and OntologyTerm |
Association End | Tagged Value | Location | Reason |
+parameters | PARAMETER_ID | Parameters association between GenericAction and GenericParameter | override plural association end name |
+parameterPairs | PARAMETER_PAIR_ID | ParameterPairs association between GenericAction and ParameterPair | override plural association end name |
+affiliations | AFFILIATION_ID | Affliliations association between Person and Organization | override plural association end name |
+allContacts | CONTACT_ID | AllContacts association between AuditCollection and Contact | override plural association end name |
+securityGroups | SECURITY_GROUP_ID | SecurityGroups association between AuditCollection and SecurityGroup | override plural association end name |
+componentDesignTypes | COMPONENT_DESIGN_TYPE_ID | ComponentDesignTypes association between InvestigationComponent and OntologyTerm | override plural association end name |
+conceptualMolecules | CONCEPTUAL_MOLECULE_ID | ConceptualMolecules association between ConceptualMoleculeCollection and ConceptualMolecule | override plural association end name |
+allSequenceAnnotations | SEQUENCE_ANNOTATION_ID | AllSequenceAnnotations association between ConceptualMoleculeCollection and SequenceAnnotationSet | override plural association end name |
+allData | DATA_ID | AllData association between DataCollection and Data | override plural association end name |
+allDataPartitions | DATA_PARTITION_ID | AllDataPartitions association between DataCollection and DataPartition | override plural association end name |
+allDimensions | DIMENSION_ID | AllDimensions association between DataCollection and Dimension | override plural association end name |
+higherLevelAnalyses | HIGHER_LEVEL_ANALYSIS_ID | HigherLevelAnalyses association between DataCollection and HigherLevelAnalysis | override plural association end name |
+dimensions | DIMENSION_ID | Dimensions association between Data and Dimension | override plural association end name |
+annotations | ANNOTATION_ID | Annotations association between Describable and OntologyTerm | override plural association end name |
+descriptions | DESCRIPTION_ID | Descriptions association between Describable and Description | override plural association end name |
+propertySets | PROPERTY_SET_ID | PropertySets assocation between Describable and NameValueType | override plural association end name |
+dimensionElements | DIMENSION_ELEMENT_ID | DimensionElements association between Dimension and DimensionElement | override plural association end name |
+parameters | PARAMETER_ID | Parameters association between GenericEquipment and GenericParameter | override plural association end name |
+equipmentParts | EQUIPMENT_PART_ID | EquipmentParts association between GenericEquipment and GenericEquipment | override plural association end name |
+factorCollection | FACTOR_ID | FactorCollection association between InvestigationCollection and Factor | override plural association end name |
+factorValues | FACTOR_VALUE_ID | FactorValues association between Factor and FactorValue | override plural association end name |
+dataPartitions | DATA_PARTITION_ID | DataPartitions association between FactorValue and DataPartition | override plural association end name |
+bibliographicReferences | BIBLIOGRAPHIC_REFERENCE_ID | BibliographicReferences association between Identifiable and BibliographicReference | override plural association end name |
+databaseReferences | DATABASE_REFERENCE_ID | DatabaseReferences association between Identifiable and DatabaseReference | override plural association end name |
+inputCompleteMaterials | INPUT_COMPLETE_MATERIAL_ID | InputCompleteMaterials association between GenericProtocolApplication and Material | override plural association end name |
+inputMaterials | INPUT_MATERIAL_ID | InputMaterials association between GenericProtocolApplication and GenericMaterialMeasurement | override plural association end name |
+inputPartitions | INPUT_PARTITION_ID | InputPartitions association between ParitionPair and DataPartition | override plural association end name |
+inputTypes | INPUT_TYPE_ID | InputTypes association between Protocol and OntologyTerm | override plural association end name |
+providers | PROVIDER_ID | Providers assoication between Investigation and ContactRole | override plural association end name |
+investigationTypes | INVESTIGATION_TYPE_ID | InvestigationTypes association between Investigation and OntologyTerm | override plural association end name |
+investigations | INVESTIGATION_ID | Investigations association between InvestigationCollection and Investigations | override plural association end name |
+factors | FACTOR_ID | Factors association between InvestigationComponent and Factor | override plural association end name |
+allProtocolApplications | PROTOCOL_APPLICATION_ID | AllProtocolApplications association between InvestigationComponent and ProtocolApplication | override plural association end name |
+investigationComponents | INVESTIGATION_COMPONENT_ID | InvestigationComponents association between Investigation and InvestigationComponent | override plural association end name |
+characteristics | CHARACTERISTIC_ID | Characteristics association between Material and OntologyTerm | override plural association end name |
+materials | MATERIAL_ID | Materials association between MaterialCollection and Material | override plural association end name |
+components | COMPONENT_ID | Components association between GenericMaterial and GenericMaterial | override plural association end name |
+contacts | CONTACT_ID | Contacts association between Material and ContactRole | override plural association end name |
+sources | SOURCE_ID | Sources association between OntologyCollection and OntologySource | override plural association end name |
+ontologyTerms | ONTOLOGY_TERM_ID | OntologyTerms association between OntologyCollection and OntologyTerm | override plural association end name |
+properties | PROPERTY_ID | Properties association between OntologyIndividual and OntologyProperty | override plural association end name |
+outputMaterials | OUTPUT_MATERIAL_ID | OutputMaterials association between GenericProtocolApplication and Material | override plural association end name |
+outputPartitions | OUTPUT_PARTITION_ID | OutputPartitions association between PartitionPair and DataPartition | override plural association end name |
+outputTypes | OUTPUT_TYPE_ID | OutputTypes association between Protocol and OntologyTerm | override plural association end name |
+types | TYPE_ID | Types association between Parameterizable and OntologyTerm | override plural association end name |
+parameterValues | PARAMETER_VALUE_ID | ParameterValues association between ParameterizableApplication and ParameterValue | override plural association end name |
+actions | ACTION_ID | Actions association between GenericProtocol and Action | override plural association end name |
+parameters | PARAMETER_ID | Parameters association between GenericProtocol and GenericParameter | override plural association end name |
+actionApplications | ACTION_APPLICATION_ID | ActionApplications between ProtocolApplication and ActionApplication | override plural association end name |
+equipmentApplications | EQUIPMENT_APPLICATION_ID | EquipmentApplications between ProtocolApplication and EquipmentApplication | override plural association end name |
+partitionPairs | PARTITION_PAIR_ID | PartitionPairs association between ProtocolApplication and PartitionPair | override plural association end name |
+performers | PERFORMER_ID | Performers association between ProtocolApplication and ContactRole | override plural association end name |
+softwareApplications | SOFTWARE_APPLICATION_ID | SoftwareApplications association between ProtocolApplication and SoftwareApplications | override plural association end name |
+allEquipment | EQUIPMENT_ID | AllEquipment association between ProtocolCollection and Equipment | override plural association end name |
+protocols | PROTOCOL_ID | Protocols association between ProtocolCollection and Protocol | override plural association end name |
+protocolApplications | PROTOCOL_APPLICATION_ID | ProtocolApplications association between ProtocolCollection and ProtocolApplications | override plural association end name |
+allSoftwares | SOFTWARE_ID | AllSoftwares association between ProtcolCollection and Software | override plural association end name |
+qualityControlStatistics | QUALITY_CONTROL_STATISTIC_ID | QualityControlStatistics association between Material and OntologyTerm | override plural association end name |
+rangeDescriptors | RANGE_DESCRIPTOR_ID | RangeDescriptor association between Range and OntologyTerm | override plural association end name |
+allBibliographicReferences | BIBLIOGRAPHIC_REFERENCE_ID | AllBibliographicReferences association between ReferenceableCollection and BibliographicReference | override plural association end name |
+allDatabases | DATABASE_ID | AllDatabases association between ReferenceableCollection and Database | override plural association end name |
+members | MEMBER_ID | Members association between SecurityGroup and Contact | override plural association end name |
+owners | OWNER_ID | Owners association between Security and Contact | override plural association end name |
+securityRights | SECURITY_RIGHT_ID | SecurityRights association between Security and SecurityAccess | override plural association end name |
+types | TYPE_ID | Types association between SequenceAnnotationSet and OntologyTerm | override plural association end name |
+parameters | PARAMETER_ID | Parameters association between GenericSoftware and GenericParameter | override plural association end name |
+sourceMaterials | SOURCE_MATERIAL_ID | SourceMaterials association between Investigation and Material | override plural association end name |
+summaryResults | SUMMARY_RESULT_ID | SummaryResults association between Investigation and HigherLevelAnalysis | override plural association end name |
These modifications were only performed on the Hibernate STK's version of the FuGE-OM.
There is a file, PostgreSQLExtension.xml, within fuge-hibernate/src/main/uml/config/mappings, which specifies any additional mappings between UML data types and Postgres types. Below are a summary of the contents of the file:
Property/Column Name | Tagged Value | Comments |
+end (hibernate implementation only) | END_DATE | It is the +end property of the Investigation entity |
+end (hibernate implementation only) | END_POSITION | It is the +end property of the Sequence entity |
The back cardinality (the side with the diamond in it) of GenericAction to Protocol (named childProtocol) should be 0...* rather than 0...1 . ?It doesn't affect the XSD because these aren't checked but will affect the database. This is something that probably should be fixed in the UML.
Previous: Modifications to
the FuGE-OM |
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