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All FuGE Database STKs utilize Version 1.0 of the FuGE Standard. Each database toolkit provides a database and persistence layer based on the FuGE Object Model (FuGE-OM), together with other helper classes. These are ideal for community developers wishing to store their FuGE-related data in a more structured way than XML files provide, and as a foundation to build FuGE tools or a FuGE-based system. These databases may also be extended by specific communities to produce community database implementations. There are currently two types of database STK built on Version 1, and a single legacy Milestone 3 STK:
Now that FuGE Version 1.0 has been released, we suggest that all new developers begin with the Version 1.0 STKs. However, the Milestone 3 STK is retained for legacy reasons, as there may still be some developers utilizing that version.
All current STKs are built with Apache Maven 2, a software project management and build system similar to, but more comprehensive than other build tools such as Apache Ant or GNU Make. They also utilize AndroMDA, a model-driven architecture (MDA) and code generation system, to build a variety of Java classes, configuration files, documents and database scripts. AndroMDA plugs into Maven and during the build process parses a developer's UML Object Model (OM) and generates the appropriate output. It is the core tool used within all FuGE toolkits, and is highly configurable. The type of output can be tailored using different AndroMDA conversion tools, called 'cartridges'. These encapsulated cartridges each do a separate task: for instance, there is an XML Schema cartridge that builds XSDs from UML, and there are Hibernate and Spring or EJB3 cartridges that build a database and persistence layer based on the provided UML.
The Hibernate STK provides:
A persistence layer bridges the gap between a relational database and POJOs, abstracting the low-level database code by providing the programmer with an object-oriented interface. Using AndroMDA-generated classes in conjunction with Hibernate + Spring allows the developer to work only with POJOs, and, when ready to populate, query or modify the database, the persistence layer handles the underlying database commands.
The FuGE software tools are separated based on their development goals. The FuGE Hibernate Project has been specifically created to aid
The FuGE Hibernate STK makes use of the jars created by the FuGE XSD STK to perform a number of tasks. Shortly, a Maven 2 repository specifically holding these jars will be available, but until then, please visit the STK pages, and install the FuGE XSD STK prior to starting work with this STK. You will need the jars created by that project.
When you check-out the hibernate-stk subversion repository, you will get a Maven2 project. As provided, this project builds a FuGE database plus a Hibernate and Spring persistence layer. Full instructions for compiling this project and generating and accessing the FuGE database are included in this documentation.
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