Using RandomXmlGenerator

You will find a main() method in the GenerateRandomXml that tells you how to access the RandomXmlGenerator class. Currently there is only one public method, generate() . Use this to generate a FuGE-ML file compliant with the FuGE XSD generated by AndroMDA. There are example command-line statments within the fuge-jaxb2/ sub-project inside readme.txt that will help you get started using these classes. For example, you can use Maven2 to call a Java class: the benefit of this is that you will automatically make use of the Maven2 classpaths, and will not have to set something up yourself. An example command to run GenerateRandomXml is as follows:

    cd fuge-jabx2/
    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="net.sourceforge.fuge.util.GenerateRandomXml" -Dexec.args="src/main/resources/xmlSchema.xsd output.xml"

Please note that RandomXmlGenerator is not guaranteed to create a FuGE-ML document that uses every single possible element in the FuGE XSD. However, we would certainly like to be complete, so if you spot something that needs adding, please feel free to either contribute to the code yourself, or send a mail to with your request.

If you modify this STK to generate a community extension, you will need to also modify this code to handle that extension.