Default (Local) Profile

There are many useful AndroMDA-specific maven commands in the trunk/readme.txt generated by AndroMDA, including the commands necessary to create the tables in the database, also shown below. You will need to create the database before using the STK.

                mvn -f fuge-hibernate-core/pom.xml andromdapp:schema -Dtasks=create

If you need to re-create the database from scratch at any time, you can add the drop task to the task list as shown below:

                mvn -f fuge-hibernate-core/pom.xml andromdapp:schema -Dtasks=drop,create

Testing (Validation) Profile

If you wish to create the test database (used in the unit tests), then you will need to run this command after having run the Compiling step for the Validation profile:

                mvn -f fuge-hibernate-core/pom.xml -Denv=val andromdapp:schema -Dtasks=create