There are various helper classes available to help you load and unload XML into the database. These classes make use of the net.sourceforge.symba.mapping.hibernatejaxb2.helper mapping classes.

PeopleUnmarshaler (Example Main in UnmarshalPeople)

Allows you to load the contents of a FuGE-ML AuditCollection into the database. This is useful if you wish to pre-fill the database with the members of an organization or group.

XMLUnmarshaler (Example Main in UnmarshalXML and XMLRoundtrip)

Allows you to load the contents of a full FuGE-ML file into the database.

XMLMarshaler (Example Main in MarshalXML and XMLRoundtrip)

Allows you to extract a full FuGE experiment from the database and write it out in FugE-ML.