Extending the FuGE-OM

To Get You Started

You will need to look in your mda/src/main/uml for the MagicDraw 15.0 zip file (.mdzip ) called NewFuGEExtension.mdzip . This is an empty template UML diagram that imports the FuGE-OM. New modellers should start with this UML version.

  1. Rename the file to match the name of your community extension.
  2. Open the file in MagicDraw 15 and start editing. You build your extension on FuGE by altering the NewFuGEExtension package. You will want to rename the package name, and then put all of your extensions in this package.

Full Documentation

Extensive directions on extending the UML are available in the documents on the FuGE Developers' website. This includes the full Specification as well as the Reference Manual . Further, there is a FuGE paper in Nature Biotechnology .

Please continue to the next section of the chapter to see how to convert your modified UML into an XSD.

Update the FuGE-OM from previous version


If you have already built an extension based on previous FuGE-OM, and you want to upgrade it to latest FuGE-OM, follow the below steps.

  1. download all of the andromda profiles from the andromda's maven2 site, put them all in one directory called andromda-profiles.
  2. create new MagicDraw project named it like "magev2"
  3. select MagicDraw menu File->use module, choose andromda-profile-3.2-.xml.zip in the "andromda-profiles" directory. MagicDraw will then ask for the androMDA's xml, webservice, service, process profile files, find them in that "andromda-profiles" directory.
  4. select MagicDraw menu File->use module, choose FuGE-v1-profile.mdzip
  5. select MagicDraw menu File->import MagicDraw project, choose your extension's MagicDraw project file which uses previous version of FuGE-OM, the MagicDraw will load it, automatically figure out the dependence on latest FuGE profile, update the project root name and import the MAGE package.