Creating Your Community XSD

You've created a plain vanilla FuGE XSD. You've also extended the FuGE UML and made your own community extension. What's next? The final step is to translate your new UML into an XSD.

These instructions are based on, with further additions and modifications to suit this toolkit.

The default setup as provided when you checked out this project from Subversion is to generate the FuGE XSD only. There are a couple of changes to both the Maven properties file and the Andromda properties file

Change Maven 2 Setup

  • If you have changed the name of the NewFuGEExtension.mdzip, then please update the value in trunk/mda/pom.xml to match your file name:

Change AndroMDA Setup

The default setup as provided when you checked out this project from Subversion is to generate the FuGE XSD only. There are a few small changes to the AndroMDA configuration files that you'll need to make to ensure that your new community extension is recognized and processed by AndroMDA.

  1. Specify a joined or separate XSD. By default, the XSD generated will contain all of the FuGE XSD as well as your community XSD. If you do not wish this to occur, you will need to tell AndroMDA this. You do this by going into the mda/src/cartridge/custom/templates/xmlschema directory and selecting a different vsl file than the one provided by default. First, rename the original XmlSchema.vsl file so you can go back to using it if you ever need to:
        mv XmlSchema.vsl XmlSchema-shared.vsl

    Then, rename XmlSchema-for-extensions.vsl to XmlSchema.vsl :

        mv XmlSchema-for-extensions.vsl XmlSchema.vsl
  2. Follow the instructions in the new XmlSchema.vsl. Open up your new XmlSchema.vsl in a text editor and read the instructions at the top of the file. Make the changes within the vsl file as instructed.
  3. Modify the AndroMDA configuration file , mda/src/main/config/andromda.xml . This tells AndroMDA what bits of the XSDs to create. We will be modifying this part of the configuration file:
         <modelPackages processAll="true">
             <modelPackage process="true">FuGE::**</modelPackage>

    If you decided in the previous step to generate a joined XSD with both the FuGE and your community's schema, then you just have to add your own package name as a modelPackage element:

         <modelPackages processAll="true">
             <modelPackage process="true">FuGE::**</modelPackage>
             <modelPackage process="true">**</modelPackage>

    If you decided in the previous step to just generate your community's schema, then you need to set processAll as well as the processing of the FuGE package to false :

         <modelPackages processAll="false">
             <modelPackage process="false">FuGE::**</modelPackage>
             <modelPackage process="true">**</modelPackage>

    For general interest, you can flip which package is generated at any time by changing the process attribute of the modelPackage element and re-generating the XSD.

  • Un-comment the following line from the andromda.xml file you were modifying. It is just above the modelPackages element:

Export the UML in XMI/UML2 format

FuGE, and the extension you're working on, is stored in Subversion as a MagicDraw 15.0 zip file. In order for AndroMDA to be able to process it, you need to convert it into a more standard file format.

  • Open up your mdzip file in MagicDraw 15.0. Once opened, perform the following export:
        File -> Export -> EMF UML2 (v1.x) XMI
        Ensure you select the trunk/mda/src/main/uml directory as the export directory
        Click "Export"

    This conversion will produce a number of files, all ending with the extension .uml2 . If you make any changes to the FuGE-OM, you will need to re-export all of the files again by following the directions above.

Re-run the Maven 2 build process

Change into the top-level trunk/ directory, and run this command:

        mvn install

You should see a "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" message at the end of it.